The taxpayers Alliance

2356 days ago

Why we really feel poor - too much Government rather than too little

The Taxpayers Alliance has produced a fascinating 51 page report explaining why so many of us are "just about managing" to quote our useless Prime Minister. In short it's hard evidence that Ronald Reagan was right when he said that the scariest words in the English language are "I'm from the Government and I'm here to help." We feel poor not because of wicked Tory austerity (fauxsterity), but because of how a bloated state has distorted the economy.


2672 days ago

Capping Pay - the madness & spite of Jeremy Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn has today announced that he would like to cap the pay of the very rich. He did not specify exactly what the cap would be but he made it clear that this included top businessmen and soccer players.

This will no doubt win great plaudits from vast numbers of public sector workers who, these days, are the bedrock of what little support Labour has. A few - but too many - of these folks are in the 1% that Corbyn is believed to be targetting (those earning more than £164,000 a year). but most are not. They are however well paid and with far better job security and pensions and shorter hours than similarly educated and skilled folks in the private sector. And the non risk taking, state funded affluent middle classes buy into the politics of envy.
